Förlag: Anncona Media
Memoarer & Biografier Litteraturvetenskap Engelskspråkiga
Tillgänglig sedan: december 2019
Uppläsare: Rob Marland
Length: 9 timmar 23 minuter
The Real Oscar Wilde
The Real Oscar Wilde is a biography by Robert Sherard. Its full title is: The Real Oscar Wilde: To be used as a Supplement to, and in Illustration of "The Life of Oscar Wilde".
The Real Oscar Wilde, published in 1917, is the third book about the Irish poet and playwright by his earliest and most prolific biographer.
Previously Robert Sherard had published: Oscar Wilde: The Story of an Unhappy Friendship in 1902, and The Life of Oscar Wilde in 1906. Audiobook read by Rob Marland, running time 9 hours, 24 min.
Robert Sherard (1861–1943) was an anti-Semitic English writer and journalist. He was a friend, and the first biographer, of Oscar Wilde, as well as being Wilde's most prolific biographer in the first half of the twentieth century.
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