Ljudböcker / Barn & Ungdom
Children's Favorite Poems
Here is a collection of the most beloved English poems, from century-old anonymous nursery rhymes to delightful texts from Edward Lear to Lewis Carroll and Robert Stevenson. Redisc ...
Celtic Stories for Kids
The Celtic folk tales collected by the leading British folklorist Joseph Jacobs (1854–1916) introduced the children of the world to the special vision and color, the unique magic o ...
Canterbury Tales
Geoffrey Chaucer, born about 1340, was the first great English poet. The immense popularity of the Canterbury Tales is shown by the number of manuscript copies still in existence. ...
Best Rare Tales and Stories
Classic fairy tales and stories are an essential part of children's development. This collection brings together rare fairy tales, stories, myths and legends, to feed the intellige ...
Best Love Stories, in Classic Fairy Tales for Kids
We have collected for you the most beautiful love stories fairy tales ever written. This collection begins with tales from Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault, two absolut ...
Best Japanese Tales and Stories
Discover the endless fascination of Japanese culture with seven ancient tales, selected for you for their power of evocation, wisdom and humor. Not unlike the western folk tales co ...
Rapunzel, a Fairy Tale
Rapunzel is a well-known fairy tale of German origin, recorded by the Brothers Grimm. A lonely couple, who want a child, lived next to a walled garden belonging to an evil witch na ...
Thomas och vännerna - 6 sagor om Thomas lokvänner
På Rälsö är det alltid full fart! Följ med ångloket Thomas och hans vänner på deras äventyr och upptåg. Lär känna lokvännerna Thomas, Edward, Henry, James, Emily och Percy i dessa ...
Greta Gris - Den busiga sköldpaddan och andra berättelser
Greta Gris bor med Pappa Gris, Mamma Gris och lillebror Georg. I den här boken får Greta och Georg följa med Morfar Gris på tågutflykt och vara med och bygga ett nytt hus. Dessutom ...
Greta Gris - Gretas båttur och andra berättelser
Greta Gris bor med Pappa Gris, Mamma Gris och lillebror Georg. I den här boken kommer Kapten Hund hem från äventyr på havet, ett par nycklar hamnar på botten av en brunn och familj ...
Tuomas Veturi – Tuomaksen parhaat tarinat
Kuusi ihanaa tarinaa Tuomas Veturin maailmasta! Tarinoissa tutustutaan Tuomaksen lisäksi viiteen eri veturiin.Tuomas Veturi on hauska tyyppi, mutta hän osaa olla myös nenäkäs. Kun ...
Pekka on kaksitoistavuotias poika, joka katoaa helposti omiin kuvitelmiinsa. Unelmissaan hän seikkailee villissä lännessä, lentää raketilla aina Marsiin saakka tai matkustaa johonk ...
Jumalista seuraava
16-vuotiaat suomalaisnuoret Leo, Kaius ja Silva lomailevat Kreikassa, kun he törmäävät uusiin mysteereihin. Silva löytää lenkillään ateenalaisesta puistosta muinaiselta vaikuttavan ...
Mafian linnut
Italiassa asuvien Kaiuksen ja Silvan arkeologi-isä on töissä kaivauksilla, joilta löydetään antiikinaikainen kivitaulu. Omatoimiset nuoret alkavat etsiä esineestä lisätietoa, ja sa ...
Kitaristi Vilhelmi on uransa huipulla! Hänen bändinsä Kuolio on kutsuttu esiintymään valtakunnalliseen bändikatselmukseen. Korttitalo uhkaa kuitenkin kaatua vakavan sairastumisen t ...
Viivi Pusu ja säihkyvät sukset
Talvi tekee tuloaan, mutta se ei Viivin vauhtia hidasta. Tällä kertaa Viivi pääsee käymään Helsingissä. Siellä on nuorten elokuvatapahtuma, jossa esitetään Viivin ohjaama pienoisel ...
Best Slavic Tales and Stories
Discover Slavic culture with two ancient tales from the Eastern European world. The Twelve Months is a story about persistence, not unlike our Cinderilla, but set in a fantastic wo ...
Best Multicultural Tales and Stories from the World
Expand your horizons with three stories from far-away countries, tales of timeless wisdom and a window to the soul of other cultures. These three stories are from the most differen ...
Best Moral Tales and Stories
Fables and stories play an fundamental part in children's development. They use powerful imagery and symbols to entertain while conveying essential moral teachings; the stories ign ...
Best Legendary Heroes Tales and Stories
Step into a world of adventures with this collection of timeless stories whose legendary heroes have become an essential part of humanity's cultural legacy. Follow Tom Thumb in his ...
Best Jewish Tales and Stories
Jewish folklore is full of vivid stories that both entertain and teach. We have selected for you a collection of tales and stories from the Talmud and Midrash, and rewritten to sui ...
Best Italian Tales and Stories
The best Italian stories are those who capture our imagination and fill us with various delights. The Adventures of Pinocchio in Wonderland is a succession of various tales, each o ...
Best Indian Tales and Stories
Discover the endless fascination of Indian culture with five tales, selected for you for their power of evocation, wisdom and humor. The Alligator and the Jackal is a tale of wit a ...
Best Classic Tales and Stories
Classic tales and stories are an fundamental part of children's development. They connect with the essentials of our culture; they awaken imagination and bring essential teachings. ...
Best Arabian Tales and Stories
Discover the endless fascination of ancient Arabian culture with six ancient tales we selected for you for their power of evocation, wisdom and humor. These stories are from the Ar ...