Ljudböcker / 6-9 år
Tjuren Ferdinand
Munro Leafs eviga barnboksklassiker om den snälle tjuren Ferdinand! »Den här boken är så vacker. Här finns mycket att diskutera tillsammans med barnen tänker jag. Om användandet av ...
Äventyr på Sylt
Två familjer tar biltåget över till ön Sylt för en gemensam semester. Det är en spännande miljö på ön, med stora sanddyner och höga, vilda vågor. Och så det lömska tidvattnet. Barn ...
Tess och Toby
När faster Lena dör lämnar hon efter sig hunden Toby. Tess och hennes mamma vill ta hand om honom, men deras hyresvärd har förbjudit husdjur. Det enda lösningen verkar vara att sät ...
Hieronymus skapar kaos
Julia har fått en guldhamster som heter Hieronymus. Hon älskar det lilla livet och gör allt för att han ska trivas. Hon försvarar honom mot både sin storebror Nico och hennes klass ...
Fölet Bonny
När Lisa lär känna fölet Bonny är det kärlek vid första ögonkastet. Han är ensam och övergiven och Lisa vill inget hellre än att ta hand om honom. Men hennes pappa säger blankt nej ...
April, april!
Vanessa och Kirsten har alldeles för många läxor och de orkar knappt vänta till påsklovet. För att muntra upp sig sticker de ut och åker inlines. Nere vid sjön köper de varsin läsk ...
The Galoshes of Fortune
The Galoshes of Fortune have the power of carrying the person who wears them instantly to any time and place they desire – but is this really a good thing?Hans Christian Andersen ( ...
Grandmother is old, kind, and she knows many stories. Between the pages of her psalter can be found a pressed withered rose that she often regards with a smile on her lips. Do you ...
The Elder-Tree Mother
A little boy who had caught a cold after getting his feet wet, drank an elder infusion that his mother had prepared to warm him up and his grandfather told him the story of the Lit ...
The Fir Tree
In the middle of the wood is a little fir tree who thinks of one thing only – growing bigger. He takes no pleasure from life because he always thinks about how he is not as big as ...
The Elf Mound
The lizards were complaining about all the noise coming from the Elfin Hill. Rumour said that the elves were expecting guests, strangers. They were preparing a great ball.Hans Chri ...
The Darning Needle
Once upon a time there was a darning needle who thought it was a sewing needle. It was indeed very fine, so fine that one day it broke, but it was not yet over for the needle, nor ...
The Drop of Water
An old man called Kribble-Krabble observed a drop of water in a puddle in a ditch through a magnifying glass. And it kribbled and krabbled and when things were not as he wanted, he ...
The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf
Inger was a little girl but she was a bad person. This was obvious even when she was very small: she enjoyed catching insects and tearing off their wings without any pity for the p ...
The Farmyard Cock and the Weathercock
There were two cockerels on the farm: one lived in the henhouse and the other was a weather vane. Both thought they were better than the other, but what was the truth?Hans Christia ...
The Garden of Paradise
"There was once the son of a king who had many books, no one had more and no one had more beautiful: everything that had happened in the world, he could learn of it and see it repr ...
Kapten Klara & den mystiska diamanten
Kapten Klaras spännande och roliga äventyr har man tidigare kunnat läsa i serieform i tidningar, album och Dagens Nyheter. Nu är det dags för henne att få breda ut sig i en nyskriv ...
Precis som Kerstin
Det finns två saker som Kerstin önskar mest av allt på jorden. Att det ska bli en vit jul och att bebisen i Kerstins mammas mage inte ska födas på självaste julafton. Men Kerstins ...
Little Claus and Big Claus
There were two men called Claus in the town. To tell them apart, one was called Big Claus, because he had four horses and the other, Little Claus, because he only had one horse. Th ...
Little Ida's Flowers
Little Ida liked the student, who always had a tale to tell, a lot. So, one morning, when little Ida's flowers had all withered, she asked the student what could have happened to t ...
The Daisy
A daisy was growing peacefully next to a country road, forgotten by everyone, but happy. She liked feeling the sun on her petals and listening to the birds sing. Nothing seemed lik ...
Ole Lukoie
"In all the world, no one knows as many stories as Ole-Luk-Oie. He really knows how to tell a tale." Every evening, Ole-Luk-Oie lulled the children with his stories and, one they w ...
The Buckwheat
After a storm, a field of buckwheat is blackened and dry, as if it has been burnt, but why? Here, Hans Christian Andersen tells all, he heard it from the sparrow, who heard it from ...
The Angel
When a child dies, an angel comes to find them and bring them to heaven and they take with them some flowers so that they can bloom again above. But, this time, when the angel came ...
The Bell
A bell could be heard just as well in the town as in the country, but no one knew exactly where the sound was coming from. The bell seemed to ring in the forest and its music was s ...